Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd / Harry Muzart

H: Home Page - BioNeuroTech
DCT: Developer Coding Tools, Programming Platforms, Base Code Info
RP: Research & Pre-Publication Works
A: About BNT, and Products & Services
L: Lab Experiment Methods (VR-Simu/DIY-Tech, Applications)
Computational Modelling & Implementation :
C-bCM-S: Computational (Bio)Chemical & Molecular Systems [⋆⋆]
C-NhaNp-S: Comp. NeuroHistoAnatomical & NeuroPhysiological Sys. [⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆]
N: Note on Neural Networks
C-OBNR-S: Comp. Organismal BioMedical & Neuro-Robotic Sys. [⋆⋆⋆⋆]
C-Cogn-S: Computational Cognitive Systems (non-A.I. & A.I.) [⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆]
C-mE-S: Computational Macro-Economic (Populations) Systems [⋆]
Gen: Generalist & Misc Projects [⋆⋆]
iML: Interactive Deep Machine Learning Data Apps (webpage-based) [⋆⋆]
R: Repository of External Projects
W: Website API/IDE {TBC}
D: Disclaimer (Legal Policies) / Intellectual Property / Commercial / AdSense
C-OBNR-S: Computational Organismal BioMedical &
Neuro-Robotic Systems [⋆⋆⋆⋆]
Basic Robotics Electronics (Arduino)
Project Fields: xxxxxx
Description: xxxxxx
My Work & Contributions: xxxxxx
Collaborations/Feedback: xxxxxx
Location Activities: Home-based
Status/Timeline: xxxxxx
Other Links to external sources:
--- https://www.elegoo.com/download/
--- https://www.arduino.cc/en/aug/ (Arduino user groups around the world)
--- https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub
--- https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/wiki/Building-Arduino
--- https://diyhacking.com/arduino-robot-tutorial/
--- https://www.virtualroboticstoolkit.com/features
--- https://www.nasa.gov/centers/johnson/engineering/robotics_simulation/index.html
Electronic and electrical engineering guidelines standards - International Electrotechnical Commission
Hardware: Intel Quad Core i7 & Celeron Computers; Arduino
Operating Programs & Software Tools: MS Win 10 OS; xxxxxxxxxx
Programming Languages: Arduino
Coding Elements: xxxxxx
Computational Techniques: xxxxxxxxxx
Link to Programming Code Files:
Public (full open access) (Google Drive Cloud and GitHub): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0qSKFqszohLTTZIZkg1c09xaVU?usp=sharing
Private (shared password-protected) (Google Drive Cloud): XXXXX
File types: txt ino
License: xxxxxx
--- MyBlinkHM.ino (2 KB)
Base Math Coding & Program Computations & System (Diagrammatic):
Content Files by Me, Screenshots by Me
My Arduino Work:
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EEG-based DIY Brain-Machine Interfaces (non-invasive) (mobile/portable/wireless) + 3D Augmented/Virtual Reality System
The idea is that we will be able to record EEG-like signals to then be used as input for artificial machines, for applications in:
--- Neuroscience Research
--- Clinical (eg. motor and cognitive rehabilitation post-stroke; mindset neurofeedback)
--- Clinical/non-clinical (eg. robotic/bionic enhancements - artificial limbs, internet-based augmented reality glasses, etc)
--- Entertainment (virtual reality 3D gaming - control of objects using thoughts)
--- Education
I am currently looking into how to use open-source modules on the following external platforms by private companies and publicly-funded organizations:
--- OpenBCI http://openbci.com/index.php/forum/#/profile/2487/Harry_M
--- OpenVibe http://openvibe.inria.fr/contribute/
--- Emotiv https://www.emotiv.com/developer/
--- NeuroSky http://developer.neurosky.com/
--- InterAxon's Muse http://www.choosemuse.com/developer/
Since circa. 2012, there has been vast amounts of studies published on the effectiveness of these devices, in entertainment/games, lifestyle apps, education, scientific research, and medical clinical applications. see at https://scholar.google.co.uk/ .
One may also use machine Learning is used to encode and decode each step.
Using tDCS/tACS and TMS technology, nerve stimulation, for applications in:
--- BMI like above, except with sensory input (eg. touch)
I am currently looking into open-source modules on the following external platforms by private companies and public organisations:
Working on my home-based DIY BMI systems, by integrating existing hardware, software and data.
Images below:
--- My own gathered equipment, which can be combined with my Arduino systems.
--- Using MS Windows 3D-Builder, CAD-Works, and Blender with Python API, to create 3D-printable models of EEG hardware; as well as for designing functionally efficient structural models.
--- BrainstormEEG software for data analysis (https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Installation) which uses MatLab (https://uk.mathworks.com/products/compiler/matlab-runtime.html) and a lot of the principles from Statistical Parametric Mapping (Friston et al 1995-2018, https://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/). Indeed Matlab and SPM can also be used for EEG processing.
My aim to do help pioneer DIY EEG devices for a variety of applications.
Recent EEG (practical workshop) (KCL IoPPN, March 2020):
see https://www.bioneurotech.com/c-cogn-s for the VR/AR aspects

3D Design (for 3D Printed Neuro-Medical Devices)
Project Fields: xxxxx
Description: xxxxx
My Work & Contributions: (No main work yet)
Collaborations/Feedback: xxxxx
Location Activities: xxxxx
Status/Timeline: xxxxxx
Other Links to external sources:
--- AutoCAD
--- Cochlear Implant
Hardware: Intel Quad Core i7 & Celeron Computers; xxxxx
Operating Programs & Software Tools: MS Win 10 OS; xxxxxxxxxx
Programming Languages: xxxxx
Coding Elements: xxxxx
Computational Techniques: xxxxxxxxxx
Link to Programming Code Files:
Public (full open access) (Google Drive Cloud and GitHub): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0qSKFqszohLTTZIZkg1c09xaVU?usp=sharing
Private (shared password-protected) (Google Drive Cloud): XXXXX
File types: xxxxxx
License: xxxx
Base Math Coding & Program Computations & System (Diagrammatic):
Screenshot(s) by Me.
Using Windows 3D Object Builder / Viewer
Edits made from:
My thingiverse.com account TBC.
Build using: Instructables.com/hm
Video Embeds: xxxxxx
#### My Current Projects (in progress or post-completion) ####
Arduino (Arduino/Elegoo Hardware)
#### My Future Projects (currently being researched) ####
#### My Future Contributions to External Projects ####
#### External Projects by Others ####
--- Augmented Virtual Reality (4D, 360deg) (see page ‘C-Cogn-S’)
--- 3D simulation modelling in in Electronics, Robotics, and Sensorimotor Integration, Neural Engineering, BioMaterials.
--- 3D CAD models for 3D printing Bionics/BioProsthetics
--- BMI OpenVibe, Brain to Brain communication via BrainWave decoding.
--- Models in Materials Eng, Immunology and Tissue Engineering.
--- OpenCIE
Some other information:
Biological Tissue Engineering / BioMaterials
--- Growing of biological organs (in labs), to regenerate living humans parts. But with functional parts that can be functionally integrated. Also: materials science of self-organizing nano-systems.
Neuro-Engineering and Cybernetics/Robotics
--- Neuro-robotics - humanoid robots with human-level sensorimotor abilities and perception, which can also self-modify
Open-Source Data for Theoretical Foundations; 3D Models and Code Implementation:
http://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/422 ("Journal of Biological Cybernetics - Advances in Computational Neuroscience")
ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6221036 ("Transactions on Cybernetics & Systemics", "Institute for Electrical/Electronics Engineers")
Current projects at MIT and California Institute of Technology (in physical mechanics representations):
www.cbmm.mit.edu; www.cns.caltech.edu/; www.be.caltech.edu/; www.cms.caltech.edu/research/robotics ;
cam.ac.uk, kcl.ac.uk, imperial.ac.uk, bham.ac.uk/
Issues to deal with:
--- Higher computational processing power (hardware and software engineering). (might take another 5-10 years, will be done with time)
--- A near-completed field of Neuroscience to be able to integrate artificial components (implanted chips, bio-friendly wires) with the biological
mammalian nervous system. (might take another 20-30+ years; much more complicated to solve, must be intensive invested collaborative effort)
Already, these can be implemented, to some extent at a basic level. The more complicated the wiring, the more time it will take to get there.
One major problem beside potential biological infections: computer viruses affecting privacy and cybersecurity --- as hackers will soon be able to hack biodevices and take control of parts of peoples' nervous systems which are hardwired to computer devices.
3D-Tech: 3D-Modelling --- Virtual Reality --- 3D-Printing
I am also exploring the use of 3D printing:
Applying DML:
Printing 3D models of teeth (e.g. in dentistry - take 3D scans of many peoples' teeth and then pool and generating an 'average' for occlusion model - prostho-orthodontics.), or eye parts, skin grafts, hair, arms, legs, with biological tissue --- also other parts of biomedical engineering and bio-prosthetics and bionics.
This will hopefully be ubiquitous in-home DIY, in about 10 years time --- there is just a need to get the cost down dramatically.
I will soon try to set up a public repository for these types of files - subject to approval from government organisations which regulate these. On the nanoscale, printing artificial neural networks, either molecular computer, biological neural networks, or silicon chips for standard in silico computations.
3D humanoid >> >> >> [SEE BELOW]
--- Widget to allow 3D rotation, panning and zoom (select extract Hmtl5 for embedding)
I am currently working on ways to use a web-browser-extension app, using DML, on it --- to integrate it with other sources to label-link each macroscopic sub-structure with the IEEE data-sets.
Images below:
Content manipulated by Me, Screenshots by Me

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Other future works will be related to these other external independent projects by other people/organisations listed below.
Here is a new list :
► https://sites.google.com/site/bioneurotech/-repo-2
► https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nv6BimGLFgvbSYeNQZO5Cjna_iWcquwoF47MMsll5fA/edit?usp=sharing